ZAO “Geningconsult” has a unique experience in implementation of investment projects in accordance with the guidelines and procedures of the IBRD, EBRD and the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), giving priority to compliance with the Russian Federation legislative and normative acts.
ZAO “Geningconsult” is a multi-profile consulting company, which provides a wide range of marketable consultancy services and carries out activities in the following sectors of economy:
- electric power;
- transport and infrastructure;
- housing and public utilities complex;
- civil and industrial construction;
- social infrastructure;
- fuel and energy complex;
- ecology;
- public health;
- information technologies and communications;
- agro-industry.
ZAO “Geningconsult” is the first Russian company, which was awarded Contracts for providing consultancy services under the IBRD’s loans and registered in the IBRD’s database as a consultancy partner.
The Company has successfully implemented over 200 investment projects to the total value exceeding USD 15 bln.
The major part of the investment projects implemented with the ZAO “Geningconsult” assistance includes the projects financed from the IBRD and EBRD Loan proceeds and implemented in Russia.