Investment Project Management Company


Sankt-Petersburg Office N 1


Address:    Of. 1-310, liter A, 6-8, Dvortsovaya Square, Sankt-Petersburg, 191186, Russia
Telephone: +7 (812) 495-71-58,
Fax:           +7 (812) 495-71-58,

Office location

Office is situated in the historical centre of the city.

From Metro station "Nevsky prospect" about 500 m along Nevsky prospect to the west to Admiralteistvo (Admiralty).
Then turn right to Bolshaya Morskaya street and go about 130 m to Triumphal Arch.
Through the entrance under Mendeleev's Watch go to the
 quard post. Call to our office and wait our representative.

Main Staff Building view from Dvortsovaya Square