Investment Project Management Company


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Traveler's Palace restoration project.

On 24 July 2012 Saint-Petersburg Foundation for Investment Projects and ZAO "Geningconsult" signed the Contract for Engineering Consultancy Services in the Traveler's Palace - Main Building restoration project. 

Dam protects St. Petersburg against floods

The complex of dam structures, which was built around St. Petersburg with the participation of ZAO "Geningconsult", prevented damage to St. Petersburg from possible flooding on November 28, 2011 amounting to USD 42 mln.


 Completion of St. Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier (Barrier)

Country:  Russia
City / region:  Saint-Petersburg
Client:  Rosstroy of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation
Financing agency:  EBRD, NIB, EIB, RF Government
Project costs:  106.3 bln RUR
Project period:  2004-2011

Short description of project:

Completion of construction of the flood protection dam with a length of 23.4 km, bridge with a lifting span of 120m, tunnel, unique navigation openings (gates), power and control system of the Barrier.


ZAO "Geningconsult" is the leader of consortium, from September 2004 rendering the service of Project Manager - Engineering Consultant of the project "Completion of St. Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier".

Partners: ZAO "Inctitute Stroyproect" (Russia), Haskoning B.V. (Netherlands).

Services include:
  • Project structuring, development of Manual on Project Implementation and Quality Management;
  • Procurement, including prequalification, development of commercial section of tender documentation, holding of the biddings, contract negotiations and development of contract documentation in accordance with FIDIC conditions;
  • Technical supervision of civil and assembling works;
  • Contract works monitoring;
  • General assistance to the project.
Cost of the service: USD 44,4 mln.

By present ZAO "Geningconsult" provided service on preparation and holding the biddings, resulted in conslusion of 8 contracts based on conditions of the FIDIC "Red Book" (edition 1999) and 1 contract based on conditions of the FIDIC "Yellow Book" (edition 1999) with total amount 75.3 billion Rub and USD 198.6 millon, and then - management and technical supervision on these contracts, incliding preparation of amendments to them.